[Yanel-dev] Storing reviewer comments with workflow transitions

Michael Wechner michael.wechner at wyona.com
Wed Nov 3 10:16:24 CET 2010

Hi Rob

On 11/2/10 7:06 PM, Rob Adamson wrote:
> Hi,
> I am implementing a workflow where a reviewer can approve or reject an
> item, but if rejecting, has to enter the reason why, so that the
> author can make the necessary changes.
> I am implementing this using a custom form&  resource type. The form
> displays the details of the transition, and prompts the user to enter
> the reason.
> Q1. I assume that I should call WorkflowHelper.doTransition in
> response to the submission of my custom form, in order to actually
> apply the transition. Is this correct?

Not quite, because the WorkflowHelper is just an implementation, but
you should rather call the interface:

WorkflowableV1 workflowable = (WorkflowableV1)resource;
workflowable.doTransition(transition, revision);

Also it depends what the follow-up screen should be.

1) If you want to use the generic one, then your custom form could call 
something like

which means Yanel will do the Job for you, whereas in particular


2) If you want to have a custom follow-up screen, then you should 
implement a custom method similar
to the YanelServlet.java#executeWorkflowTransition(), but try to prevent 
calling the implementation directly.

> Q2. What are my options for storing the reason text provided by the
> reviewer?  I need to persist this with the ability to retrieve it for
> displaying to the author on another screen.

Since each revision of a node can have a workflow instance I would 
suggest to attach
it to the revision as a property, e.g.

Revision revision = 
revision.setProperty("reject-message", REJECT_MESSAGE);

> Q3. How to I look up the reason text? (depends on the answer to Q2).

Revision revision = 
String rejectMessage = revision.getProperty("reject-message");

Please note that this does not provide you with a history of reject 
messages, but rather is going to be overwritten, because revisions do 
not have revisions themselves.

If this would be required, then you rather put it into a node by itself 
by using some unique mapping, e.g.



> Regards,
> Rob

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