[Yanel-usage] Difference between I18nTransformer2 and I18nTransformer3

Josias Thöny josias.thoeny at wyona.com
Fri Mar 21 10:23:42 CET 2008

Michael Wechner wrote:
> Hi
> Just noticed that there is a I18nTransformer3 within the core.
> What is the difference between I18nTransformer2 and I18nTransformer3?

I18nTransformer3 supports the following new features:
- XML message catalogues
- source-based catalogue resolving, e.g. yanelrepo:/i18n.xml
- parameterized i18n messages, e.g. "found {0} easter eggs"
   whereas {0} will be replaced by a parameter

see also:

The former versions of the I18nTransformer (1+2) are not recommended 


> Thanks
> Michi

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