[Yanel-dev] Vim configuration for Yanel development

Michael Wechner michael.wechner at wyona.com
Thu Apr 1 14:34:40 CEST 2010

Dear Guillaume

Thanks very much for sharing this.

Just being curious, but did I as a vi(m) user do anything wrong? Or is 
just a general hint/pointer?

I think we should add these notes to our coding standards:




Guillaume Déflache wrote:
> Hi!
> AFAIK this is all that is needed to make Vim behave WRT indentation to 
> meet Yanel coding conventions.
> This is the most safe and straightforward way I found, but it can 
> probably be done differently/better:
> ---8<---
> set expandtab " never add TAB characters
> set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 " by default indentation is 2, e.g. for 
> HTML and XML-based syntaxes like XHTML, XSLT, etc.
> au BufNewFile,BufRead *.java,*.js,*.css set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 " 
> indentation is 4 for languages using braces for nesting like Java, 
> Javascript, CSS. etc.
> ---8<---
> Of course you may want to use an IDE like Eclipse or IntelliJ IntelliJ 
> IDEA instead! :P
> HTH,
>    Guillaume

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