[Yanel-dev] Some criticism on Jelly

Josias Thöny josias.thoeny at wyona.com
Tue Mar 11 16:41:35 CET 2008

Michael Wechner wrote:
> Hi
> Please do not take the following link personal, but I think there is 
> some truth to
> http://weblog.jamisbuck.org/2004/6/10/jelly-scripting-for-the-soulless

Most of these points are rants against XML in general, and not about 
jelly in particular (i mean verbosity, entity problems, namespaces, etc).

But I agree with some of the other points, e.g. about the error 
reporting of the jexl expression language.

What we need in Yanel is to create XML dynamically using java code. 
There are several ways to do that:
- use XSLT and pass dynamic stuff as parameters to the XSLT
   (IMHO this is not flexible enough)
- generate an XML with DOM, SAX, or as a simple string
   (IMHO not nice, because it yields too much unnecessary code)
- use an engine which lets you access java objects within XML,
   like e.g. Jelly or Velocity
- ...

Among these alternatives, I still think that Jelly is good, although 
it's certainly not perfect...


> Cheers
> Michi

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