[Yanel-dev] Debugging Jelly

Josias Thöny josias.thoeny at wyona.com
Fri Feb 15 16:00:04 CET 2008

Michael Wechner wrote:
> Hi
> I have started to use Jelly and like it and dislike it ;-)
> The reason I like it is because one can develop certain things very 
> quickly.
> The reason I dislike it, because it doesn't tell me were I am doing 
> things wrong.
> For example some methods have changed in the meantime: getUUID() instead 
> getID()
> but Jelly doesn't really complain about this, but rather just does 
> nothing or ignores it.
> Is there a way how to see such kind of problems?

I tried to find a way to produce a log output when this happens, but to 
no avail. The problem seems to be in jexl (rather than in jelly itself):

JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
e = ExpressionFactory.createExpression("foo.bar()");
o = e.evaluate(jc);

If bar() doesn't exist, e.evaluate() will simply return null without any 
error. I don't know how to work around this problem.


> Thanks
> Michi

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