[Yanel-development] Cruisecontrol build result does not work

Andreas Wuest awuest at student.ethz.ch
Wed Nov 15 01:39:28 CET 2006


On 14.11.2006 22:02 Uhr, Michael Wechner wrote:

> Andreas Wuest wrote:
>> Hi
>> Although the build itself works fine, the build result located at 
>> http://continuous-integration.yanel.wyona.org/ does not seem to work. 
>> When you try to access it, you get redirected to 
> I just realize another problem with the current implementation. It seems 
> not
> to use the proxy information of the realm and hence ends up on an 
> internal IP which of course it shouldn't.
> I have added a bug
> http://bugzilla.wyona.com/cgi-bin/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=5026

Isn't that exactly what your getRequestURLQS() method does? If you look 
at the SSL redirect method:

private HttpServletResponse redirectToSecureURI(HttpServletRequest 
request, HttpServletResponse response)
         throws ServletException, IOException {

     String urlString = getRequestURLQS(request, null, false);

     Properties properties = new Properties();
     int port = 8080;
     int sslPort = 8443;

     try {
         port = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty("port"));
         sslPort = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty("sslPort"));
     } catch (FileNotFoundException fnf) {
         log.error("NO server.properties file found! Using default ports 
instead\n" + fnf.getMessage());
     } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
         log.error("property is not of type int" + nfe);

     urlString = urlString.replaceAll("http:", "https:");
     urlString = urlString.replaceAll("" + port, "" + sslPort);

     response.setHeader("Location", urlString);
     log.info("redirecting to SECURE SSL URL: " + urlString);
     return response;

you see that it uses getRequestURLQS() to get the request URI, and 
therefore should be proxy clean! Or did I miss something?

Kind regards,

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