[Yanel-development] Cruisecontrol build result does not work

Andreas Wuest awuest at student.ethz.ch
Wed Nov 15 01:33:11 CET 2006


On 14.11.2006 21:58 Uhr, Michael Wechner wrote:

> Andreas Wuest wrote:
>> Hi
>> Although the build itself works fine, the build result located at 
>> http://continuous-integration.yanel.wyona.org/ does not seem to work. 
>> When you try to access it, you get redirected to 
>> There seem to be two problems here:
>>  1. There is a auto-redirect to the secure port (if that page is not 
>> world readable, then this is correct though).
> well, the redirect should "only" happen when authentication is being 
> required,
> resp. in "phase 2" when a request shall be handled through SSL, e.g. in 
> the case of sensitive data, e.g. salaries or whatsoever

Heh, well, that's exactly what happened with David's and my local build! 
That's why I'm quite puzzled that it behaves differently on the 
cruisecontrol build!

>>  2. Tomcat does not seem to be capable of answering requests on the 
>> SSL port. This might be caused by Cruisecontrol not running 
>> configure.sh which sets up Tomcat for SSL.
> yes, I guess that's the problem. Maybe we can fix this tommorrow.

After some thinking, I came to the conclusion that it might be better to 
move the tomcat SSL setup step from configure to build deploy, because 
this would make our build process symmetric with regard to the classic 
UNIX build process (i.e. configure && make && sudo make install), where 
configure only performs local modifications, and make install (in our 
case: build deploy) might require superuser privileges (which the tomcat 
SSL setup step might require, if tomcat is located in a protected area).

Kind regards,

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